Friday, January 12, 2007

Ice Storm 2007

Well it is finally upon us. After viewing the worlds longest list of cancellations, standing in line for an hour at Wal-Mart, as people prepare for Armageddon, and listening to Gary Daniel display "see I told you so attitude," on television it can definitely be said that the ice storm is here. I didn’t realize that the storm was going to be such a big deal until I went to Wal-Mart on Thursday night. People were backed up to the back of the store and all the bread and milk was gone. I realized then that it was probable that Wal-Mart has invented a weather controller. Wal-Mart CEO Lee Scott has decided that the cure for January sales slumps is just to initiate bad weather. Well after I picked up my out door faucet cover, (everyone should have one as a 97 cent foam cover would have saved me $500 in repairs from last years freeze) I went over to the snack area as I knew there was a possibility that I would be snowed in the next day. People were counting out individual "survival" meals for their kids and thinking out loud, as they would say "ok, we need two meals for Joey, three cans of soup for Sarah." Living in Oklahoma we often are not able to prepare for natural disasters as Tornadoes come up with very little warning. I think times like this when our governor declares a state of emergency, we understand in a small measure the preparation that Floridians have to go through during each hurricane season.


Mike Gee said...


I work at Target on the weekends and was able to witness this mass hysteria with my own eyes. Their may be a Target executive somewhere hoping to gag me, but I can say that we sold $157,000 worth of groceries on Thursday of this week. That's about $145,000 more than usual. People came into the store spending hundreds of dollars on food as if the world was ending. I've been eating out all weekend, and the world hasn't seemed to end.

jrussell said...

i think it's just insane and if i hear on the news one more thing about the "ice storm 2007" im gonna throw up. they overexaggerate and freak everyone out and interrupt my good daytime tv and it annoys me!! seriously, you'd think the world was coming to in an end-and HELLO RICK MITCHELL, it's Sunday, and tomorrow will be Monday and the sun will come out again! hooray,hooray-the world is not over.

David Kaler said...

Thats amazing that Target had that huge amount of sales! I agree that "Ice Storm 2007" was very in your face.